Yea, i kno, its been done and mine will probably be nowhere near the standard but i just wanted to do it so i can practise composing fight scenes.
There is a point to it but because he is injured (you'll see why in it), his memory is all messed up so the scenes arent in sequence.
The actual (and i use this term loosely) plot is based on a short story i did a few years back.
Its sprites this time cos i'd prefer to be able to see how animating it works before i draw it. i think it will help the drawing if i kno how it goes first instead of fiddling with it later.
I dont have an actual preview yet but i will have one in a bit. For now go here
If you have any request for a mention or a cameo or a joke to put in it reply and i will and give you all due credit.
Anything to add, jonlajoie?
/* */
And here's a sneak peek at the flash in progress. Any suggestions or feedback would be hugely appreciated.